Upcoming and in preparation
- Seifart, Frank. Submitted. Re-usability of fieldwork data. Chapter submitted by invitation to Linguistic Fieldwork and Language Documentation, A Course Book on Foundational and Advanced Skills, ed. by Firmin Ahoua, Dafydd Gibbon & Stavros Skopeteas.
- Aznar, Jocelyn & Frank Seifart. Direct speech, silent pauses, speech verbs, and basic word order: A comparative corpus study on 12 languages. Submitted manuscript.
- Coupé, Christophe, Yoonmi Oh, Dan Dediu, Frank Seifart & François Pellegrino. Trade-offs between information and speech rate in naturalistic speech from 49 non-WEIRD languages. Presentation accepted for the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki, 21-24 August 2024
- Paschen, Ludger. 2023. Final lengthening across various sound classes in a language documentation corpus of Lower Sorbian. Proc. ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, 3277-3281.
- Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart. 2022. Final Lengthening and vowel length in 25 languages. Journal of Phonetics 94. 101179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101179.
- Stave, Matthew, Ludger Paschen, François Pellegrino & Frank Seifart. 2021. Optimization of morpheme length: a cross-linguistic assessment of Zipf’s and Menzerath’s laws. Linguistics Vanguard 7(s3). https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2019-0076.
- Haig, Geoffrey, Stefan Schnell & Frank Seifart (eds.). 2021. Doing corpus-based typology with spoken language corpora. State of the art (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 25). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. https://hdl.handle.net/10125/81488.
- Schnell, Stefan, Geoffrey Haig & Frank Seifart. 2021. The role of language documentation in corpus-based typology. In Geoffrey Haig, Stefan Schnell & Frank Seifart (eds.), Doing corpus-based typology with spoken language corpora. State of the art (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 25), 1–28. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/74656.
- Seifart, Frank. 2021. Combining documentary linguistics and corpus phonetics to advance corpus-based typology. In Geoffrey Haig, Stefan Schnell & Frank Seifart (eds.), Doing corpus-based typology with spoken language corpora. State of the art (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication 25), 115–139. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. https://hdl.handle.net/10125/74659.
- Easterday, Shelece, Matthew Stave, Marc Allassonnière-Tang & Frank Seifart. 2021. Syllable Complexity and Morphological Synthesis: A Well-Motivated Positive Complexity Correlation Across Subdomains. Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers 12. 583. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.638659.
- Seifart, Frank, Jan Strunk, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann & Balthasar Bickel. 2021. The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from 10 languages. Linguistics Vanguard 7(1). https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2019-0063.
- Strunk, Jan, Frank Seifart, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich & Balthasar Bickel. 2020. Determinants of phonetic word duration in ten language documentation corpora: Word frequency, complexity, position, and part of speech. Language Documentation & Conservation 14. 423–461. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/24926
- Paschen, Ludger, François Delafontaine, Christoph Draxler, Susanne Fuchs, Matthew Stave & Frank Seifart (2020). Building a Time-Aligned Cross-Linguistic Reference Corpus from Language Documentation Data (DoReCo). Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), 2657–2666. http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/pdf/2020.lrec-1.324.pdf
- Paschen, Ludger, Matthew Stave & Frank Seifart. 2024. Vowel (and consonant) length in the DoReCo corpus, focusing on intrinsic vowel duration. Talk given at the workshop “Vowel and consonant quantity in Germanic, Indo-European and beyond”, University of Zurich, 1-2 February
- Seifart, Frank. 2023. Determinants of local deceleration of speech in world-wide samples of spoken corpora. DCLS Colloquium, Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich, 20 September
- Paschen, Ludger. 2023. Disruptive and ultradisruptive pauses: Evidence from DoReCo. Talk given at the workshop “Efficiency in grammar: Patterns and Explanations”, University of Freiburg, 5 July
- Seifart, Frank & Ludger Paschen. 2023. The typology of the temporal fine structure of speech: Lengthening and pauses in spoken corpora from 51 languages. Talk given at MAMPF Colloquium, LMU (Munich), 28 June
- Stave, Matthew, Ludger Paschen, François Pellegrino, François Delafontaine & Frank Seifart. 2023. Retour d’expérience sur le projet DoReCo (Language Documentation Reference Corpus). Talk given at “glose2023: Corpus Glosés: de la construction à l’exploitation automatique”, Paris, 28 June
- Stefan Schnell, Frank Seifart, Nils Schiborr & Geoffrey Haig. 2023. Do difficulties of reference production differ across grammatical relations? An examination of the distribution of hesitation pauses in eight diverse languages. Talk given at “GRelSpoC 2023: Grammatical Relations in Spoken Language Corpora”, INALCO, Paris, 15 June
- Paschen, Ludger. 2023. Corpus-based approaches to segmental duration. Talk given at SRPP Colloquium, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, 27 January
- Blum, Frederic & Ludger Paschen. 2022. A cross-linguistic perspective on boundary-adjacent shortening and lengthening. Talk given at ALT 2022, Austin (TX), 16 December
- Seifart, Frank. 2022. Patterns of local speech rate variation as a motivation for typological asymmetries: Findings from a 31-language sample. Talk given at ALT 2022, Austin (TX), 16 December
- Stave, Matthew, Christophe Coupé, François Delafontaine & François Pellegrino. 2022. How comparable are languages across linguistic corpora? Some methodological thoughts. Talk given at ALT 2022, Austin (TX), 16 December
- Aznar, Jocelyn & Frank Seifart. 2022. Silent pauses and interjections as direct speech cues: A cross-linguistic study of 12 language documentation corpora. Talk given at “Cross-disciplinary perspectives on quoting and speech reporting”, Université libre de Bruxelles, 06 October
- Paschen, Ludger. 2022. Beobachtungen zur Finalen Dehnung vor Sprechpausen im Niedersorbischen. Talk given at 14. Deutscher Slavistiktag, Ruhr-University Bochum, 23 September
- Aznar, Jocelyn & Frank Seifart. 2021. Silent gaps and interjections as prosodic cues for direct speech: Preminalary results of a cross-linguistic study on three language documentation corpora. Talk given at “Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 6 (hybrid)”, SOAS University of London, 17 December
- Seifart, Frank. 2021. DoReCo – building a cross-linguistic database of spoken language. Paper presented at “LinG colloquium”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 25 November
- Paschen, Ludger. 2021. Finale Dehnung – ein universales Phänomen? Einblicke aus 25 Sprachen. Paper presented at the “Phonokolloquium” at Goethe-Uni Frankfurt, 24 November
- Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart. 2021. Differences between male and female speakers in the production of /s/: A cross-linguistic study. Paper presented at 17. P&P, Frankfurt (virtually), 29.-30. September 2021
- Stave, Matthew, Kilu von Prince & Frank Seifart. 2021. A usage-based approach to morphological typology. Paper presented at the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 2021. Workshop 14: Integrating sociolinguistics and typological perspectives on language variation, 30 August – 3 September 2021, online.
- Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart. 2021. Final and pre-final lengthening in 13 languages. Paper presented at the 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS 2021). AG 10 Prosodic boundary phenomena, Freiburg.
- Paschen, Ludger, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart. 2020. Phonological vowel length interacts with final lengthening. Poster presented at the ISSP2020 – 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, 14 – 18 December 2020, Providence. https://issp2020.yale.edu/S06/paschen_06_15_205_poster.pdf.
- Seifart, Frank. 2020. Corpus-based cross-linguistic research on the temporal dynamics of speech. Keynote lecture presented at the workshop “Corpus-based typology: Spoken language from a cross-linguistic perspective” at the 42nd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Hamburg, 4-6 March, 2020.
- Stave, Matthew. 2020. Documentation Reference Corpus. Paper presented at “Language Documentation and Revitalization”, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA, 15 January 2020.
- Paschen, Ludger, Matthew Stave, Frank Seifart & Manfred Krifka. 2019. Cross-linguistic variation in phonetic compression and lengthening. Poster presented at “Linguistics Society of America”, New Orleans, USA, 2-5 January 2020.
- Paschen, Ludger, Matthew Stave, Manfred Krifka, François Pellegrino, Susanne Fuchs & Frank Seifart. 2019. Cross-linguistic variation in local and global speech rate. Poster presented at “Rate and Rhythm in speech Recognition (R3)”, MPI for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen, 13 December 2019.
- Delafontaine, François , Matthew Stave, Frank Seifart & Ludger Paschen. 2019. A bioinformatics solution to inter-rater agreement for forced time-alignment of data from underresourced languages. Poster presented at “Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain (LIFT) 2019”, Orléans, France, 29 November 2019.
- Seifart, Frank. 2019. DoReCo vision and workflows. Paper presented at “DoReCo kick-off workshop”, ZAS, Berlin, 16 September, 2019.
- Stave, Matthew. 2019. Information rate and other non-phonetic analyses. Paper presented at “DoReCo kick-off workshop”, ZAS, Berlin, 16 September 2019.
- Seifart, Frank, François Pellegrino, Matthew Stave & Alexis Michaud. 2019. DoReCo. Paper presented at “Open LIFT Meeting”, Paris-Diderot, France, 4 June 2019.
- Seifart, Frank. 2019. Sprechpausen und die Entstehung von Affixen: Evidenzen aus Sprachdokumentationskorpora zu zehn Sprachen und aus typologischen Datenbanken. Paper prestented at “Vielfaltslinguistik III”, Universität zu Köln, 28 March 2019.
- Seifart, Frank. 2019. DoReCo: Ein Projekt zur Erstellung von Referenzkorpora aus Dokumentationen 50 kleiner Sprachen. Paper prestented at “Qualitätsstandards und Interdisziplinarität in der Kuration audiovisueller (Sprach-)Daten, Digital Humanities: multimedial und multimodal – 6. Jahrestagung des Verbands „Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd)”, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, 26 March 2019.